Practical Research 1 is a subject offering of the K to 12 curriculum of the Department of Education in the Philippines which is a requirement for a student  to finish Senior High School  as  requirement  for  Higher Education Institution (HEI).  This subject area aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research. Furthermore,  this course focus specifically the following standards: use appropriate kinds of  research in making decisions, decide on suitable qualitative research in  different areas of interest, formulate clearly statement of  research problem, select, cite, and synthesize properly related literature,  use sources according  to ethical standards, present written review of related literature, describe qualitative research (designs, sample, and data collection and analysis procedures), apply imaginatively art/design principles to  create artwork, gather relevant information with intellectual honesty, analyze and draw out patterns  and themes with intellectual  honesty, form logical conclusions, make recommendations , based on conclusions , write and present a clear report.

Reference: SHS Applied Research Curriculum Guide

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A. The meaning of Research

Research is derived from the prefix  re, which mean to repeat or to redo or again and the root word  search, which means  to find or to look into.   Therefore, in a very simple sense,  Research is to search again. Research French origin is reserche which means  to travel through or to survey

B. A comprehensive definition of Research includes the following:

  1. A quest driven by a specific question which needs an answer
  2. A process by which we find answers to questions.
  3. A continuous discovery and exploration of the unknown

C. Definition of Research according to Experts

  1. Research is concerned with the finding of answer.(Manson & Bramble, 1989)
  2. Research is a systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing information or data for some purpose according to Macmillan and Schumacher (1989).
  3. Research is a systematic and empirical approach to answering questions. (Bieger and Gail, 1996)
  4. Research is a systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypothesis about the presumed relations among such phenomena (Kerlinger,1986)

D.  A research can be considered as systematic when it includes the following:

  1. Identification of problems
  2. Relating of the problem with the existing theories
  3. Collection of data
  4. Analysis and interpretation of data
  5. Drawing of conclusions
  6. Integrating conclusion to the knowledge stream

E. A research is controlled when it includes the following:

  1. Carefully planned
  2. Well defined problem
  3. Variables are identifiable
  4. Instruments are carefully selected or constructed

F. A research is said to be result based when…

  1. Well articulated findings
  2. Carefully tested hypothesis for unbiases
  3. Drawn conclusion
  4. End up with recommendation based on the findings and conclusion


G. Values of Research

`           1. Improves the quality and way of life

  1. Improves Teaching-Learning Process
  2. Improves Student’s Achievements
  3. Improves delivery of public service
  4. Satisfies man’s various needs
  5. Reduces the burden of work
  6. Provides wider and better understanding about man’s existence and the universe
  7. Improves the quality and supply of foods and basic needs

            The general values of research are to provide every human race volumes of knowledge for a better existence.

H. Ways of obtaining knowledge

  1. Expert opinion (note: even experts opinion can be doubted)
  2. Sensory Experiences
  3. Agreement with others
  4. Reasoning (inductive or deductive reasoning)


                       All men are mortal

                        Gary is a man

                        Therefore, Gary is mortal

  1. Common Sense

                        Examine the syllogism below

                        If it rains the ground is wet

                        The ground is wet

                        Therefore, it rained ???  ( not necessarily)

I. The purpose/ importance of Research

  1. Improve existing techniques and practices
  2. Finds answer to queries and problems
  3. Acquired better and deeper understandings of various theories and principles
  4. Satisfies researcher’s curiosity
  5. Provides basis for an appropriate action
  6. Basis for making a decision

         In general, the purpose of research is to discover the truth of about an unknown subject for inclusion on the stream of knowledge and to verify the veracity truth found some fifty or more years ago.

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