Mulao NHS LDNA for SY 2020-2021

Learning and Development Needs Assessment is the process of finding out the needs of the personnel, staff or teacher in order for them to improve performance in their work place. Presented here is  Mulao NHS Learning and Development Needs of her teachers base from the previous year's data using the eSAT tool and Classroom Observation … Continue reading Mulao NHS LDNA for SY 2020-2021


An unforgettable event of 2019 was the encroachment of life threatening  pandemic called COVID 19. Its impact was really huge affecting all genres of life. It has  affected all levels of social classes, as if nature forces an arrest to all in their own homes on guard of everyone coming close. Everyone around is a … Continue reading COVID 19: BRIDGING  OLD TO  NEW NORMAL


In the light of COVID 19 pandemic, it is very crucial to have an Alternative Work Arrangement Plan (AWAP) fully grounded with the CSC Memorandum Circular and DO # 11 S. 2020 to ensure uninterrupted services of  every learning  institution for School Year 2020-2021. Such AWAP must ensure health safety and well being of  non-teaching … Continue reading “GANTT CHARTED” ALTERNATIVE WORK ARRANGEMENT PLAN

ADOPTION OF LCP (DO# 12 S. 2020)

School Year 2020-2021 is considered as the dawning of the new normal in the field of education. The premature birth of the new normal in education is not part of the Department of Education agenda. The global pandemic mushroom as a pivotal point forcing officials to revisit education road-map of the country in response to … Continue reading ADOPTION OF LCP (DO# 12 S. 2020)