Father’s Day Special “On the Boat of Life” (Mark 4:35-41)

Jesus was asleep on the stern of the boat. When the squall came, the wave was breaking and filling up the boat. The disciples were terrified and woke him up. He rebuked the wind and said ” Quiet be still” to the sea  and there was a great calm.

Life  is best describe in the previous bible passage.  There are lots of troubles, challenges and misconceptions causing us into  the crossroads of life.  Today, the world celebrates “Fathers Day” to remind and highlight to the world “how great fathers are” doing their best in the  service to their respective families.  Perhaps family difficulties though exist, may not impact the lives of each family member because someone has absorb it, the father of the family. Great are their sacrifices for the welfare of their families. Congratulations  to all the fathers who dedicated their whole self for the good of their family.

It is my prayer that, like in the occasion of Christ’s presence in the boat of life with his disciples,  might be able to experience God’s presence taking control of the odds of this life. Remember not to jump over this boat of life into the ocean of difficulties and temptations for Christ is not anywhere but only in this boat.  What  needs to be done  is to fold down knees in prayer to awaken him and take control of the difficult situations of this life.

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