Go and proclaim the message: The kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse the lepers, and drive out demons.  Freely have you received, freely give.

Do not carry any gold or silver or money in your purses. Do not take a traveling bag, or extra shirt, or sandals, or a walking stick: workers deserve to be compensated. When you come to a town or a village, look for a worthy person, and stay there until you leave. When you enter the house, wish it peace. If the people are worthy people, your peace will rest on them; if they are not worthy people, your blessing will come back to you. And if you are not welcomed, and your words are not listened to, leave that house or that town, and shake the dust off your feet. I assure you, it will go easier for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment, than it will for the people of that town.  


One of the most important Christian responsibilities was the work of evangelization. When we talk about evangelization, this is not only limited to the few who become  authority figure because of their deep knowledge of God’s laws and words but included as well ordinary Christian of this time  who by its way of life became a living witness of God’s presence in their own lives. 

Long before, evangelical works was oftentimes a form of home visitation wherein there was a sense of God’s penetration among home, families or people lives. For the host, the evangelizer could be disturbances which may opted them to say no if their lives were too busy. Doing in the same is not better in the eye of God for evangelizers come with the Holy Spirit who might invade into our homes or into our lives. Note that the consequence, as Jesus had said “it will be easier to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment, than it will for the people of that town” Negligence of God’s presence by way of  evangelizers pose a danger of eternal fire.    

Our experience as evangelizers is not that easy as one person thinks. In fact, we are deeply saddened because God has already given His initial judgment to those who despised the worker of God. Furthermore, Jesus said” When you enter the house, wish it peace. If the people are worthy people. Your peace will rest on them; if they are not worthy people, your blessing will come back to you.” In this particular line, Jesus promises a good offer when the evangelizer falls into unbelieving people saying that the blessing for the unworthy will come back to them. This is also an anchor verse why all of us are greatly encouraged to pray for our enemy or those who are considered as unworthy for what they have prayed for will be given to  those who  prayed for the unworthy.

In general, finding difficulty in praying those who are unworthy would mean poor in the blessings of God for much of His blessings bounce back in abundance from  the wall of the  unworthy.  






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