GOSPEL READING (Mark 3 :1-6)

Again Jesus entered the synagogue. A man, who had a paralyzed hand was there and some people watch Jesus: would heal the man on the Sabbath? If he did, they could accuse him.
Jesus said the man with the paralyzed hand, “ Stand here in the center.” He asked them, “ What does the law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To do good or to do harm? To save life or to kill?” But they were silent.

Then Jesus looked around at them with anger and deep sadness, because they had close their minds. And He said to the man “ Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was healed. As soon as the Pharisees left, they met with Herod’s supporters, looking for a way to destroy Jesus.

The Gospel of the Lord.


a. Revelation of Jesus as true man and true God

The authority that JESUS was showing on the Sabbath day is a clear manifestation of His godliness. Only God has the full authority on Sabbath day. Sabbath is made for man, and not man being made for Sabbath. It is therefore a privilege for man to take some rest and worship God.

b. Love is over and above laws and tradition

God in essence is love. There is no way for any laws and tradition given to us by law experts to be first in the service of humanity. The act of Jesus healing the paralyzed man on Sabbath day implies that God’s love is above laws and tradition known to us  from our forefathers. God provides our needs all the time. He will answer our wants in his chosen time. God has appointed a time for all our request to be granted. All we need is hope in constant prayer of faith and devotion.

c. The way of the heart

The series of questions Jesus is asking in the Gospel reading, has tried their hearts and so with our hearts here and now whether God is always doing the right thing for us as his chosen people. How many times we almost question God about the things that had happen which from our judgment should not be happening. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to trust God for He will not be doing anything in our disadvantage. His ways about preparation is perfect for the coming days of our lives. Search your heart about this things base on the accounts of previous experiences. If an answer to this question, “Is your days before better than your days now?” is not, then that shows how God works in preparation for our lives in the coming days.

In conclusion brothers and sisters, through the revelation of Sabbath in this gospel reading, Jesus is a true God and true man in his real presence with the people. God’s love is more than anything else in fact God is love in itself. The laws and tradition given for us to follow by law experts is not over and above God’s love in the true service of humanity. While man’s hearts seems doubting about the godliness of Christ, reflect his works of mercy and compassion and change the ways of your hearts in Jesus alone as our savior.

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