MATTHEW 15:21-28 “Desiring God in Hope and in Faith”


Leaving that place. Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from the area came and cried out, “Lord, Son of David, have pity on me! My daughter is tormented by a demon.”

But Jesus did not answer her, not even a word. So his disciples approached him and said, “Send her away! See how she is shouting after us.”

Then Jesus said to her, “I was sent only by the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.”

But the woman was already kneeling before Jesus, and said, “Sir help me!”

Jesus, answered, “It is not right to take the bread from the children and throw it to puppies.

The woman replied, “That is true, sir, but even the puppies eat the crumbs which fall from their master’s table.”

Then Jesus said, “Woman, how great is your faith!  Let it be as you wish.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.



Today’s mentality is way far from the olden days, for many find their happiness and comfort of this life  by distancing themselves unto  Jesus.  They even brag their sinfulness, misfits and wayward than their inherent goodness. When called to attend a mass and religious gathering, they would likely say no for no reason. In fact, they would normally say that they are not worthy. It seems they are not putting God to their topmost priorities. They do not mind how Jesus, through his disciples, tries to reach  them to enjoy His goodness.  In other words, today’s general behavior and character of men is almost opposite to the behavior and character display of the Canaanite woman in this Bible reading. The woman has bothered Jesus so much with the hope of counting her and her daughter as worthy beneficiaries of his divine blessings.   She even begged for a little by saying “even the puppies eat the crumbs which fall from their master’s table.” 

Her behavior of screwing oneself into Jesus even if He had told her that “It is not right to take the bread from the children and throw it to puppies,” was a show of extraordinary desire into Jesus. Her hope of inclusion and faith in Him was great. She was  determined not to surrender into asking Jesus mercy in favor of  her daughter’s deliverance and freedom from the torment of a demon. 

Brothers and sisters, life on earth has the semblance of the torment described in this Bible reading that enslaved us in so much fear and hesitation. The weight of earthy baggage seemed unbearable. It almost upset us any moment from now but  with Jesus in life, all will go well and good in the passage of time.  All needed to do is to constantly fix one’s eye unto Jesus alone and follow Him in hope and in faith till the end of time. 

Brothers and sisters  in Christ, let us acknowledge our sameness to this Canaanite woman. What she was doing is our guide of the right things to do of this life.

Inclusion, desiring God must be an unending call of one’s hearts. Our action should be guided in the light of  total persistence in hope and in faith to unleash the real goodness of God.

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